Workflow for Remote Damage Assessment
DIY Damage Assessment provides remote damage assessment services and puts the customer into contact with the loss adjuster. The user can request a damage assessment via mobile devices independently, thus facilitating the loss adjuster’s operations, who will be able to detect any wrongdoing.

The user can request a distance damage assessment independently; they will be guided by customised sets of questions and requests for digital files.
DIY Damage Assessment can be used on mobile devices, via an app that can be downloaded from the official stores (Play Store and App Store) and accessed through an authentication system.
Real Time
Distance damage assessment can also take place in real time, through photos and videos taken in that moment and via streaming video.
It can be used for both claims and general assessments (properties and underwriting risks). The distance damage assessment process is guided by the loss adjuster as the questions can be fully customised according to the type of damage.
Process Management
The system provides an administration web portal for adjusters, divided into three hierarchical levels: Company, Loss adjuster and Collaborator. It is possible to open new procedures, retrieve existing files and manage DIY damage assessments.
Distance damage assessments save loss adjusters a lot of time, increasing the speed of assessment and settlement procedures. Moreover, it allows loss adjusters to work safely.