An Advanced Software for the Insurance Market

Amarea takes care of all operational and management needs of insurance companies, brokerage companies, channels for insurance products, lending institutions and representative offices in Italy of foreign companies.

Front End

The software manages portfolios, stocks, initial accounting and sub-agents. The product is generated via an NPD subsystem.

Back Office

User profiling is performed by means of an integrated statistical system and ensures portfolio and reporting management. 

Claims Management

Amarea is designed to manage claims opening, reserve estimation, assessment activities and settlement quickly and easily. 

Online Connection

During set up, it is possible to align the data held by the Directorate and those held by the Branch perfectly.

PDF Printouts

Workflow optimisation significantly reduces the number of printouts, thus eliminating the need to check them via reference numbers.

Web Interface

To use Amarea, no software needs to be installed; therefore, users are not bound by any platform.